Thursday, November 7, 2013

CouponDivvy Coupons

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Monday, October 31, 2011

Uncertainty That Is

It's neither hope nor havenWhen you are on the track by yourselfWhen your dreams run away, and sanity's soon gone,When it is chilling deep inside;While trying your luck on your wayExpect to take a walk or a meal,Mishaps on a track always happenAnd offers no such agreement;You alone, stripped of thy strength,Lost, but still so cold to care,Everything I owned was packed in the sleigh,Yet uncertainty still hangs in the ai...

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Still Waiting for the Rain

I was looking at the sky yesterday and a smile was then painted on my face. It was way clearer than the past few days but maybe it’s because I never paid attention that much before. Yet, despite of its alluring charm, I still prepare it rains...A tranquil mind is what I needed most at this point in time, and rain helps me have it. While watching it pours each place it reaches, I feel like an airy blessed body that’s befitting the acclamation...