Wednesday, December 30, 2009

An Online Dating Resources

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The same as blogs, there are now so many online dating services sites around. It has mushroomed all over the corners of the world wide web which only proves how we become more dependent on our latest technology particularly with internet. At the same time, it is indeed pretty tough now to choose of which dating site will probably be of help to us in finding what we are looking for in terms of friendship, new relationships, and even real...

Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Note to Remember

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As you are reading this note, I am no longer hoping that you will still understand. As much as I wanted not to be affected, my conscience is making me feel the need to reach out than to just keep myself in silence. This is exactly one of the reasons why I have written this note. But this is never a note to explain myself. I bet it's useless now to explain. You have already judged me. You, of all the people in the world to whom I am...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Importance of Web Hosting

Why is web hosting important? At the same time, why is it important to have the right web hosting?Today, web hosting companies have mushroomed all over the corners of the world. This is mainly because internet has become part of most of us especially when we talk about daily routines. Almost all sectors of our society are now becoming more dependent of the internet - from different businesses and schools down to each of the households...

But Who Are We To Blame?

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Complicated is this person who writes. But who are we to blame? Life itself is a complicated issue, thus, everything in it follows. Yet, despite all of life's complexities, there must always be a room for understanding. One must learn to waive that benefit of a doubt and somehow, be not a judge right away.Misled. Yes, misled is always the person that we are. No matter how hard one tries to give his best shot to understand the world, still,...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

As I Continue To Think

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There are times in life that no matter how we try to be complete, there would still be something missing. No matter how much effort one may give in to make things right, still these will end up the other way around. That even if how good an actor one is to hide and deny facts, events will be too blunt to let one realize that nobody escapes reality. And useless, as I may say, is the gift of this wisdom if reality always try to lead us to...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Gift For Christmas

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Thinking of a cool stuff as a gift to yourself this holiday season? A certain thing that would benefit not only yourself but your family and friends as well? A home decor? Or anything that would surely be of help to home improvement?What about something to pamper or comfort yourself at home? What about cheap rugs?So if you are into cheap rugs, then I bet you are just into a cool present for yourself. A one of a kind gift that you will...

My Distorted Self

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Life's full of mysteries. Indeed, it's one grand adventure that one may or may not fulfill. Everybody has their own stories to tell; You and I have our own stories to share. We may not necessarily understand each other's stories, but for sure, each of us affects each other - may it be directly or indirectly.Lately, I am with my weirdest self. Been into thinking without thinking. Been enjoying the time that I am in pain and injury. It's...

Monday, December 7, 2009

Otaku Fest In Cebu 2009

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This coming 12th of December, 2009, brace yourself Cebu citizens as here comes Otaku Fest once again, and now on its third wave! As the most awaited event of all anime, manga, cosplayers, and video games fanatics in Cebu, this year's event which will take place at the grounds of UP-Cebu campus, is for sure another great year for all Otakus. So if you're indeed a true-blooded Otaku, dare not miss the fun and surprises of this once in a...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

When You Believe...

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Life is indeed full of miracles if we're only keen enough to notice it. It is indeed true that miracles happen everyday but oftentimes we're not able to notice it because of our lack of faith.Yes, one can become blind by seeing each day as just a similar one with the other days that had passed. The truth is, each day is a different one and each day brings a miracle of its own. One just needs to pay attention to it and to have that 'faith'....

Saturday, November 28, 2009

We Condemn The Maguindanao Massacre & We Demand Justice For The Victims!

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I and/or we, the sovereign Filipino people, demand justice for all the victims of that Maguindanao Massacre. We condemn this barbaric murdering on innocent civilians as it is an animalistic act of crazy people."We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane society and establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and develop...

Internet & Gambling When Mixed

Internet, as just one of the many products of our booming technology, has become more of a significant means of communication. It seems like everything can now be put inside the internet, no matter how impossible we think a certain thing is; from those things of reality, now can be integrated into a virtual one. Example is that rapid and enormous growth of online games.For online gamers like me, there are indeed a lot of online games around...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

When It Rains...

Yesterday, it rained...The same as other people, I find rain as equally pleasing and interesting. While watching it pour, I find myself longing for something, and for someone. Somehow, I am feeling that I am that secluded being, feeling the rain while pondering the meaning of this life. Sometimes, it makes me feel like a cheerful happy soul who's keeping the cheer as he continues to live. But oftentimes, it's giving me the feeling of that...

Played Online Gambling?

Casino games online? Who haven't heard about it yet? Maybe there are still some, but for most people who spend most of their time in their online world, this is no longer an issue. As a matter of fact, its online visibility and the growing numbers of sites who offer this type of game, are just some proof of how it has occupied the online world.But the question is, have you already tried playing the game? Have you tried playing online casino...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Something's Not Right

Something is wrong. I know there is, only that it's something that I cannot determine. It seems to drain me all the time and making me lost my drive to continue what I have been passionately doing before. I seem to run on an empty tank all the time that despite of the occasional spark of inspiration, still I am left with just an empty shell and waiting for nothing.Something's fading. It's fading like the rainbow I have seen the other day...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Life Insurance In French

If I knew I was going to live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself. - Mickey MantleIndeed, life is more than just a word that is worth of value. And there's nothing more important in this world than insuring and taking care of it in order for us to live life to the fullest, making it more meaningful and worth living for.Life insurance is maybe just a thing to many, yet it's more than that. As the saying goes, we live in this...

Monday, November 9, 2009

Because My Mind's Still Not Fixed

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As I begin composing this note, please be informed that I am not at my best. The complexity of this atmosphere surrounding me is giving me reasons to be out of focus but this shan't be a reason to not finish this post. Not at this point where the need to reach out to all of you is not only a must but more than that.Been sitting here for hours yet my mind still not fixed. Wondering, thinking of how to word my entry this time in a wish not...

Monday, October 19, 2009

Repost: Please Hear What I Am Not Saying

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My sincere thanks to Charles C. Finn for his poem entitled "PLEASE HEAR WHAT I AM NOT SAYING". This had brought me too many realizations, realizations which I consider fundamental in my growth as a person and as a wholistic being created by God to submit to His will.And to the one who introduced me to this wonderful poem which eventually became the bridge for I and Charles Finn to meet, I shall be forever grateful. You just don't know...