Friday, October 31, 2008

Earning Extra By Simply Blogging About Something You Care About

I have been blogging for almost two months now and for that short span of time I have already encountered a lot of money-making sites which of course had caught my interest. Well it's just really great that you are earning or being paid just by simply reviewing and/or writing a buzz or a blog post advocating something that you do care about. But just be cautious enough since most of the time you will encounter those that are considered...

BLOGGERS: Making A Difference

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This Nov. 10, all eyes will be on bloggers who will participate in Bloggers Unite For Refugees. Will you be one of us?Yes dear, definitely YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!By writing just one post for this cause, you can help raise awareness about refugees and help Refugees United, connect with local non-government organizations (NGOs) to help refugees in their search for lost loved ones. Their goal is to reunite children with parents, husbands...

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween: One of My Strangest Days

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Halloween (or Hallowe’en) is known to many as one of the international holidays and is celebrated on October 31. But have you ever wonder of what Halloween really is and what is it all about? Have you ever thought about this? Have you ever asked yourself, "Who in the world ever thought of the idea of walking around in weird costumes, trick-or-treating, and/or putting a carved-out pumpkin in your window?"I don't know if you will agree with...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Is My Blog 'Uber Amazing'?

Is my blog uber amazing? Well I guess it is for you to find out since it is you and only you who shall be the judge.One of the best things about blogging is the spirit of friendship and appreciation. I really do love reading blogs. It inspires me. It makes me smile, laugh and cry. It gives me amazing information. It keeps me up-to-date or updated with several and different latest happenings around the globe. I continue to learn things...

Monday, October 27, 2008

My New Gorgeous Banner & The Man Behind It

Before...Now...It has been known to many that banner or header designs have become a part of every website in recent years. They are actually a combination of graphics, images and text as part of website designing. The consolidation of graphics, images and text is considered a tactic for effective banner or header design by most industries or individuals. And nowadays, one can find numerous high qualities and cost effective banner designs...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

My Work & I

It's almost two years now since I've joined the company where I am working right now. And it's almost a year now that I've been making or doing calls...I am really glad I was able to brush off that feeling of bitterness out of my system since I entered this call center industry, and just like what a certain friend have said, I'd rather not elaborate on why this is the case. I'm just glad that I'm not a pessimistic person and that I'm not...

Friday, October 24, 2008

Friday`s Random Thoughts

Today is such a great day... And I wanna share some of my random thoughts for this very day..._____What Am I really afraid of?I am not scared of the dark... I`m scared of what`s IN it.I am not afraid of heights... I`m afraid of FALLING.I am not afraid of the people around me... I`m just afraid of REJECTION.I am not afraid to love... I`m just afraid of not being LOVED BACK.And I am not afraid to try again... I`m just afraid of getting HURT...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How to Deal and Survive Life...

"What we are right now are the foundation for what and how we will turn out to be tomorrow. So let`s make sure we`ll turn out great!"Will the next day turn out to be a great day for me?I always wonder why I keep on asking myself this question whenever I feel so much pressure coming from all areas of my life. It`s like there`s no place on the planet where I can just kick back, chill and breathe. But maybe it`s because life aren`t just all...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A 'Friendship Poem' & My Idea of Friendship

Below is a 'Friendship Poem' I`ve received from an online blogger and friend Mabel along with the awards she`d given me just this Sunday...We need Friends for many reasons,all throughout the season.We need Friends to comfort us when we are sad,and to have fun with us when we are glad.We need Friends to give us good advice.We need someone we can count on,and treat us nice.We need Friends to remember usonce we have passed sharing memoriesthat...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

It`s A Grateful Sunday!

Oh it`s indeed a grateful sunday! There have been a lot of things and changes that had happened to which I am truly grateful of.As you may notice, I have been like very busy working on some changes with my blogsite since yesterday. Exactly the reason why somehow there have been some difficulties or inconveniences visiting my site since that day. I`ve even posted an announcement for my visitors to know what`s happening, for I am sure they`re...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Biggest Outdoor Gallery In Asia: 'Manila Outdoor Gallery!'

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What do you get when you give 10 of the most promising Filipino artists billboards across key locations in Metro Manila as their canvass?2nd Media Communications launches the 'Biggest Outdoor Gallery In Asia'! And it`s the 'Manila Outdoor Gallery'.Wow! Amazing isn`t it... especially knowing the fact that it would be the biggest here in Asia region. Oh boy, I`m just too proud... of course I`m proud to be a Filipino, but hey hey hey this...

Friday, October 17, 2008

Happy Friday & Pinay Mommy Online`s Contest

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Another tiring week is about to end today, and I`m just really glad that it`s rest day again tomorrow! Hurray! LOL.But before this tiring week end, I`d like to join another blogger`s contest. Oh my, seems like I`m fun of entering different blogger`s contest lately especially this month of October. Anyway, it`s just for fun and who knows, maybe I`ll be one of the lucky winners.... So what about the contest? Well it`s actually run by Mommy...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Another Global Phenomenon?

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Around 2:00AM [Philippine Standard Time] when I have received a message which stated:"Coming October 17, 2008, the sun will rise continously for 36 hours (1.5 days). During this time, the US countries will be dark for 1.5 days. It will convert 3 days into 2 big days. It will happen once in 2,400 years. We're very lucky to see this. This is a global phenomenon... Courtesy of CNN/BBC News..Mark ur calendars now n pass 2 relatives n frends...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

So Which Way Is She Turning?

Just some random test...SO WHAT DO YOU SEE IN THE PICTURE ABOVE... IS THE LADY TURNING CLOCKWISE OR COUNTER-CLOCKWISE?NOT SURE OF YOUR ANSWER? THEN WHY NOT CHECK IT AGAIN...NOW TELL ME WHAT YOU SEE? IS SHE TURNING CLOCKWISE OR COUNTER-CLOCKWISE?-----This is just one of the many random test I`ve found on the web. I`ve actually found this test while doing my usual routine yesterday which is to read and check some of my favorite blogs. And...

Questions That Need An Answer...

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[image taken here.]I`ve just encountered today some questions that`s quite serious yet funny... quite hard yet easy... So I just then decided to share some of these questions to you guys for you to think and answer. I bet you`ll love this!If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetable, then where is baby oil made from?If 911 operator has heart attack, who does he/she call?If you drink Pepsi at work in a Coca-Cola...

Monday, October 13, 2008

CHARICE PEMPENGCO: On 'Andre Agassi`s Grand Slam for Kids'

[video taken from YouTube]To all Charice`s fans out there here`s another hot latest update about the phenomenal 16 years old Filipino singer...Yes, Charice Pempengco is once again seen on international scene for she was invited to perform as one of the special guests for 'Andre Agasi`s 13th Grand Slam for Kids', a famous benefit fundraiser concert for children. And `twas just last night, October 12, 2008. So just imagine how hot the news...

Sunday, October 12, 2008


[image taken here]Here are some funny truths in life that you`ll surely agree with...SCHOOL is a place where papa pays and child plays.LIFE INSURANCE is a contract that keeps you poor all your life so that you can die rich.NURSE is a person who wakes you up just to give or remind you to take your sleeping pills.MARRIAGE is an agreement in which a man loses his bachelor`s degree and a woman gains her master`s.DIVORCE is the future tense...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Passion of Blogging in Me

"You are A PRO on blogging, I can say you are a GURU also...Great blog and great content and I love the way you have put your techno!! Good luck 10/10." - Ritesh"Well laid out and well presented blog with some good content." - Mark"I liked your blog in writing and presentation. Nice work..." - Satya"Great site. Fast loading and attractive. Loved the posts about saying No and marriage, very informative. Nice photos too. I will visit your...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Amazing Pinhole Glasses!

More and more people from every walks of life uses eyeglasses nowadays. And just recently I`ve discovered that it`s because of what they call 'computer vision syndrome' or the too much exposure to computer radiation.And just recently I`ve also found out an effective eyeglasses that is really worth your money and budget, and it`s the Pinhole Glasses. And I won`t speak more for myself since I`m not yet an eyeglass-user [but for sure I`ll...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Future Computer, PC or Laptop?

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While I`m doing one of my favorite hobbies which is to search, surf, browse and read friend`s and other`s blog, I`ve come to encounter a certain post or article that had surely caught my interest again. Yes my dear, there are a lot of stuffs that interest me, and new and advanced technologies are just one of them.A pen sized and pen look alike gadget transforms to a fully featured PC that works on bluetoothJust like the author of the certain...